We will address the immediate need for critical data, digital and cyber specialists, recognising these capabilities are difficult to source and take time to grow.
Horizon 1 initiatives (year 1)
Specialist deployment framework
Develop a framework to encourage the temporary deployment of specialist expertise across the APS, including:
- improving the visibility across the APS of which agencies hold particular specialist expertise
- principles to support agency decision making regarding the release/deployment of specialist capability to critical projects.
Horizon 2 initiatives (years 2 to 3)
Specialist work level standards
Explore the potential for specialist work level standards or extended specialist classifications to support the career advancement of specialist/technical employees based on the experience of medical officers and the Defence Science and Technology Group. This can only be progressed following a broader review of APS work level standards.
Horizon 3 initiatives (years 4 to 5)
Explore options for APS digital, data and cyber remuneration and conditions
Drawing on the annual APS Digital, Data and Cyber Salary Survey and Remuneration Report as a key input, explore options to reduce the gap between public and private sector remuneration for specialists and minimise sector-wide competition for specialist talent within the context of a broader employee value proposition strategy.
Supporting activities and enablers
Key activities underway that support this plan
APS Strategic Commissioning Framework
Agency heads are accountable for rebalancing their workforce to prioritise direct employment for core work, including any ‘ICT and Digital Solutions’, ‘Data and Research’ and cyber related work their agency identifies as core. The Strategic Commissioning Framework sets this policy direction for the APS and provides guidance to support agencies to make this change.
Contractor conversion
Conversion of contract labour occurs when a position or role that is currently being, or would normally be, performed by a contractor becomes an APS position or role. Contractor conversion is currently an activity being progressed in many agencies to rebalance their workforce and to build in-house specialist expertise.
Specialist arrangements guidance
The APSC has provided guidance to agencies which assists in defining a specialist and in creating senior specialist roles.
Case study: Tapping into mid-career talent
Meet Brandon
The Australian Government Digital Traineeship Program (AGDTP) is an innovative capability building initiative introduced in 2022. The program is designed to address the digital skills shortage and increase digital workforce diversity across the APS by attracting First Nations peoples, women, people aged over 45 and veterans.
The AGDTP encourages skilled individuals with diverse working experience to transition into a digital career in the APS. Through a combination of hands-on-training, expert mentorship and real-world project experience trainees can rapidly develop the expertise needed to support digital transformation across the APS.
Brandon Maruna, an Australian Defence Force veteran with over a decade of experience, was recruited via the AGDTP into a digital specialist role in the Australian Public Service Commission in 2023. An interest in emerging technology, coding and web development, combined with prior working experience, allowed Brandon to transition into an APS5 role focused on the continued development of the APS Career Pathfinder tool.
“The skills I've developed in the Army, such as working in a high-pressure team environment, attention to detail and problem-solving complex systems, are directly transferrable into a digital role. Thanks to the AGDTP I've been able to leverage these skills from day one and look forward to building my digital future in the public service.” - Brandon.
The program provides the APS with a year-round recruitment mechanism, strengthening the talent pipeline to address immediate and emerging capability gaps.