The Data and Digital Government Strategy (the Strategy) is the first of its kind to combine whole-of-government commitments for both the data and digital capabilities of the Australian Public Service (APS).
Digital services are the first way that many people engage with and experience government, while government-held data informs decisions that affects peoples’ lives. For these reasons, the quality and implementation of the Government’s data and digital capabilities can build public trust - or erode it.
This motivated the decision to integrate the strategies for the Government’s data and digital capabilities into one, unified strategy. Keep reading for more information about how it was developed and where it sits in the Government’s strategic landscape.
Behind the Strategy
The APS works to improve peoples’ lives. This outcome is helped by high quality data and digital capabilities, even when we don’t notice them.
The Strategy and accompanying Implementation Plan were developed in consultation with people, community and advocacy groups, academia, industry, state and territory governments and the APS. Through this consultation and feedback on the initial Strategy released in May 2023, we better understand the Australian community’s expectations for how the Government manages and uses its data holdings and digital capabilities.
Its place in the APS landscape
The Strategy will impact some roles in the APS more than others. That said, there’s few areas of the APS that aren’t already touched by data and digital.
Data underpins most of the APS' work. It shapes smart decisions and meaningful impact, especially when it’s well maintained, easy to find, readily shared and used well. The quality, availability and usefulness of this data is determined by the strength of the Government’s data and digital capabilities.
The Strategy sits within an ecosystem of strategies and policies that impact the Government’s data and digital capabilities.