The enablers are the building blocks underpinning the Strategy’s success and are essential to achieving its vision.
People capability
The APS needs the right people, with the right skills, at the right time, for the right job to achieve the Strategy’s vision.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of building broad data and digital literacy across the APS workforce. Understanding how to embed data and digital capabilities in all APS roles will be important for accelerating uptake and building expertise. It is also important to build data and digital capabilities in leadership to foster a culture of innovation and appropriate risk management.
Cyber security
The Australian Government ensures the safety and security of its operations to remain a trusted custodian of sensitive information.
It will continue to maintain the safe, secure operation of government systems and technology through the effective implementation of the Information Security Manual, Protective Security Policy Framework, the Essential Eight Mitigations, and by increasingly adopting secure-by-design and secure-by-default principles and tactics.
The Australian Government has strong mechanisms to coordinate efforts between entities, such as the Secretaries’ Digital and Data Committee, and partnerships with states and territories, such as the Data and Digital Ministers Meeting.
These and other governance mechanisms will work to ensure data and digital investments alignment to the Strategy and its missions.
The Australian Government has made significant investments into the APS’s data and digital technologies and capabilities. That said, ongoing investment is required to keep pace with evolving technologies and the expectations of people and business.
The Government will use its advice and governance mechanisms, including the Digital and ICT Investment Oversight Framework (IOF) and the Australian Government Architecture, to ensure data and digital investment decisions are led by quality investment principles and practices such as strategic planning, contestability and assurance.
It will also work closely with state and territory governments to drive more efficient investment in cross-jurisdictional priorities, such as digital ID.